Add value to your home with new windows and doors
For many people, the resale value of their home is something that they think about on a monthly basis. While many people are happy with where they are living, they still plan, at some point in their lives, to sell and move into a larger home for their family, or find a smaller home where they can retire.
Taking care of your home is an important way to add value to your property over the years, and that can include basic maintenance, and upgrades, such as a finished basement, and upgrading your kitchen or bathrooms.
Over the years, upgrades to your home can add significant value, and among those decisions, your windows and doors should not be overlooked.
First of all, you should consider parts of your home that need some care. Cracked window frames, faulty seals between panes, and other problems with your windows can lead to drafts, leaks, and other damage to your home. Similar problems can also arise with your exterior doors, and garage doors.
While energy savings should play a part as well in your decision to replace windows and doors, preventing bigger problems is generally the first thing to consider. Window drafts can be annoying, but water can also leak inside your home through cracks, or inside your walls, and that can lead to mould and mildew.
Beyond those problems though, replacing your home’s windows and doors is also a great way to refresh the look of your house, especially before you plan to sell it. The investment is very wise if you haven’t fixed or replaced your windows in a long time.
Keep in mind as well that where your windows and door lend themselves to your curbside appear, your front door is often the very first impression your home will make as a potential buyer walks through it. Will potential buyers be impressed when they walk into your home now, or do you need to replace that door?
Likewise, garage doors often account for a large portion of what people see when they look at your home. On many homes, garage doors are a quarter of the entire front-facing portion of the house, so what impression would they currently give a buyer? Just replacing your garage door alone can make a big impact on your home’s curbside appeal, and new garage doors also offer extra security, and can help keep your home warmer in the winter.
Even if you’re not thinking of selling your home right away, planning for when you will replace your windows and doors is important, and should be part of your long-term approach to caring for your home, especially if your windows are more than 15 years old.
Fox News points out that “Any energy efficiency upgrade that promises a buyer long term savings is a surefire way to boost your asking price.”
While U.S. News notes in their story on the best and worst home renovation projects that a steel entry door ranks as the number one investment.
“Homeowners who install a steel front door recoup on average nearly 129 percent of the project’s cost when they sell the home,” the story notes.
“A brand new door makes a big first impression on somebody who is looking at the house,” said Sal Alfano, the editorial director Remodeling magazine.
The story also listed window replacement as their #5 best home improvement project. One expert noted that “window replacement projects can be appealing because they can make the home more attractive while increasing its energy efficiency.”
If you need help, or a free estimate on replacing your windows and doors, contact us today.
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