Finding household ideas on Pinterest

Cape Cod living room
For many, this goes without saying, but there are lots of people who still haven’t signed up for Pinterest, the social media site, and they’re really missing out on lots of ideas, including tips and tricks, not to mention ideas for making your house beautiful.
Browsing through the Home Decor category can help figure out what you like, in terms of home design, and what you hate. When renovating, or planning to design a room, you can get lots and lots of ideas on Pinterest, without spending a lot of time picking up magazines or browsing other websites for images or ideas. In terms of research, it’s a great first step in planning what you want to do for your home, whether you’re just looking to refresh, or want to start over from scratch.
Take a look below at just a few ideas Heritage Home Design picked out on Pinterest, from the classic and contemporary, to the weird and the downright simple. You can follow all of our boards on Pinterest, including our own images of renovations, windows, doors, and other projects, at
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