Heritage Home Design is pleased to partner with SNAP Financial to provide our valued customers with a fast, flexible, and easy way to pay for your window and door installations and renovations.

The benefits? No need to go to the bank, just visit the secure credit application website and you will be on your way to easy financing.

Other SNAP benefits include:

  • Up to 100% financing for all your home comfort needs
  • No down payment necessary
  • Variety of financing offers including: No Interest No Payment programs & Low Monthly Payment Programs
  • Open Loan – Pay off the entire loan at anytime without penalties
  • Personal and Confidential
  • Easy deductions from your bank account
  • Take up to 10 years to pay.

Don’t wait to make your home more beautiful, secure and energy efficient–apply now to get started with SNAP financial.

Why Use SNAP’s Consumer Financing Program?

Line of Credit Customers

  • Keep LOC for investments, opportunities, family situations, and emergencies.  This gives you more options and control of your credit power.
  • Lines of credit traditionally should not be used for major purchases, in the end it will cost you more money and control.
  • Nearly all LOCs are secured against home. Why decrease your home equity when you don’t have to. Snap’s programs, for the most part, are unsecured.
  • Usually LOC payments are 3% of balance (customers are not prepared for this). Example: $7,500 will create an average payment of $225 mth!
  • Don’t get caught up with rates.  Difference of interest rates is minimal ( 8 – 11.95% on 6k only costs $157/yr) on these loan amounts, cost of borrowing is really minimal as it relates to rate.

Cash Customers

  • Keep money and use for investments, opportunities, family situations, and emergencies.  This gives you more options and control of your money.
  • Only put money down for convenient low payment
  • More than likely took long time to save it, now it’s gone real quick (starting all over)
  • Snap’s Programs can be paid off anytime, no penalties or hidden fees. You do it when its comfortable for you.
  • Only interest charged is for length of time loan as open.  Again, no hidden costs or charges, you control how long want loan open for
  • No collateral (security) on these loans – keep your equity position and cash power

Renew and Upgrade Mortgage

  • Customers usually amortize over 25+ years, so why pay for your home improvement purchase over such a long time when you can pay it off earlier and be more financially comfortable doing it.
  • Why pay more interest and over time double or triple the cost of your home improvement purchase because its added to your mortgage.
  • Create more equity in less time (loans 10 – 15yrs).
  • You work hard to pay off your home and reap the benefits of home equity, why increase it again.
  • If you put this home improvement purchase into your mortgage it will again take longer to build equity.
  • Most case when upgrading or adding to a mortgage you need a reassessment of the home, lawyer and bank fees are charged, it just costs more money and takes longer. Why do it then when you have this great option.